Product Variant Sequence - Independent or Per-Product?


Does each product have it’s own unique variant sequence, or is the variant sequence independent?

This is a follow-on to my earlier topic How to configure Product/Variant Sequence

I defined product and variant sequences:

Product Sequence:
Type: Incremental
Number Padding: 7
Increment Number: 1
Next Number: 1,000,001

Variant Sequence:
Prefix: “-” (no quotes)
Type: Incremental
Number Padding: 2
Increment Number: 1
Next Number: 1

and then created three products. I naively expected to see product-variant codes 1000001-01, 1000002-01, and 1000003-01, but instead got product-variant 1000001-01, 1000002-02, and 1000003-03.

Is this expected? If so, what is the rationale for having the variant code sequence independent and not per product as I had expected?

Also, if a product will not have additional variants, should I not define a variant sequence?



This is to avoid to have to create a variant sequence for each product and still generate unique code for all products.

But it will be acceptable to improve the behavior by creating new sequence for each product (template) to use for its variants.

No you can have empty suffix code for variant as long as you have only one variant.

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