Problem using Pyson

I have a trouble with implementing the user field validation based on the constraint that at least one of the fields is mandatory
the trouble code:

'required': Equal(Eval('business_phone'), '') and Equal(Eval('home_phone'), '') and Equal(Eval('business_cellphone'), '') and Equal(Eval('personal_cellphone'), '')

   _dep = ['business_phone', 'home_phone', 'business_cellphone', 'personal_cellphone']

in this script:

from trytond.model import fields, ModelSQL, ModelView
from trytond.pool import PoolMeta, Pool
from trytond.pyson import Eval, Equal, If, And, Bool, Not, Or

class Contact(ModelSQL, ModelView): #Exo 1
    "emp Contact"
    __name__ = ''

    _req = {
        'required': Equal(Eval('business_phone'), '') and Equal(Eval('home_phone'), '') and Equal(Eval('business_cellphone'), '') and Equal(Eval('personal_cellphone'), '')
    _dep = ['business_phone', 'home_phone', 'business_cellphone', 'personal_cellphone']

    emp = fields.Many2One('company.emp', 'emp', required=True)
    first_name = fields.Char('First Name', required=True)
    last_name = fields.Char('Last Name', required=True)
    business_phone = fields.Char('Phone (Work)', required=_req, depends=_dep)
    home_phone = fields.Char('Phone (Home)', required=_req, depends=_dep)
    business_cellphone = fields.Char('Professional Cell', required=_req, depends=_dep)
    personal_cellphone = fields.Char('Personal Cell', required=_req, depends=_dep)
    active = fields.Boolean('Active')

    del _req, _dep
    def default_active():
        return True

then i get the error :

Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/lib/python37/dist-packages/trytond/wsgipy", line 109, in dispatch_request
        return endpoint(request, **requestview_args)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python37/dist-packages/trytond/protocols/dispatcherpy", line 48, in rpc
        request, database_name, *requestrpc_params)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python37/dist-packages/trytond/wsgipy", line 77, in auth_required
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python37/dist-packages/trytond/protocols/wrapperspy", line 131, in wrapper
        return func(request, pool, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python37/dist-packages/trytond/protocols/dispatcherpy", line 212, in _dispatch
        response = appmake_response(request, result)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python37/dist-packages/trytond/wsgipy", line 128, in make_response
        response = clsresponse(data, request)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python37/dist-packages/trytond/protocols/jsonrpcpy", line 185, in response
        response, cls=JSONEncoder, separators=(',', ':')),
      File "/usr/lib/python37/json/__init__py", line 238, in dumps
      File "/usr/lib/python37/json/encoderpy", line 199, in encode
        chunks = selfiterencode(o, _one_shot=True)
      File "/usr/lib/python37/json/encoderpy", line 257, in iterencode
        return _iterencode(o, 0)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python37/dist-packages/trytond/protocols/jsonrpcpy", line 68, in default
        return marshaller(obj)
      File "/usr/lib/python37/json/encoderpy", line 179, in default
        raise TypeError(f'Object of type {o__class____name__} '
    TypeError: Object of type Equal is not JSON serializable

Could you tell me why and how to solve it?

You can not use Python and in PYSON statement, you must use the PYSON And.