Price list prices listing wrong?

Hello Trytonies,

from this post I learned that I can get a list of price list prices at menu > sales > articles.

In my install, when doing an actual sale, price list prices are handled correctly. But at
menu > sales > articles,
unit_prices are shown. Is there something I could have done wrong - or what could be the reason?


did you choose the Price List in the header information and a reasonable Quantity in case of quantity related calculations? HIH

Ah, thank you, Udo! - I’m using distinguished “Tryton products” for the same actuals product

  • one Tryton product “from own warehouse”
  • another Tryton product “drop shipment”

And stock level for the drop shipment product always is “0”. This could be a reason.
But does that really make sense? - The list price should be calculated correctly, whatever the actual stock level is, true?
