Picklist / invoice et al: sort order of items

Here is my code for the proposal, I posted above. It shows how to collect the shipping dates of every article starting from invoice.line, when using the module sale_invoice_grouping.

import re
from proteus import config, Model 

config = config.set_trytond(database_uri)

mInvoice = Model.get('account.invoice')
mInvoiceLine = Model.get('account.invoice.line')
mSaleLine = Model.get('sale.line')

invoice, = mInvoice.find(['id','=',id2find])
for invoiceline in invoice.lines:
    origin = str(invoiceline.origin)
    if not invoiceline.type == "line":
    result = re.match("sale\.line\,[0-9]+", origin)
    if not result:
    table, record = origin.split(",")
    saleline, = mSaleLine.find(['id','=',record])
    sale = saleline.sale
	# save the necessary items in a dictionary
	# or object to sort and set the field sequence
	# in the the object invoiceline in a further step
	# - invoiceline
	# - sale.sale_date
	# - saleline.shipping_date

After sorting the items, the field sequence can be set and saved.

i = 1
for invoiceline in listWithInvoiceLines:
	invoiceline.sequence = i
	i = i + 1

After reloading the view of the invoice in the client, the invoice lines are shown in the new order.

When using the module sale_shippment_costs besides, an issue occurs: The field sale.line.shipping_date in the automatically generated carrier products is always set to the actual date (datetime.date.today()). @herrdeh has open new thread for this issue.