Performance degradation with recent GTK client on Windows and uwsgi server


We’ve configured a debian server with trytond 6.6 and uwsgi (standard parameters, like for the tryton docker). We did our tests on Windows 10 with the gtk client 6.6.8.
It was very slow: displaying the menu (we have a lot of modules activated) took approximately 12 seconds! Same behavior for displaying sales tree form.

The same tests on linux with gtk client were quicker.

We restarted the server without using uwsgi but werkzeug and it was better for the gtk client on Windows.

Then, we tried with previous versions of the gtk client on windows and uwsgi server: speed was ok for gtk client versions 6.6.0, 6.6.1 and 6.6.2. With version 6.6.3 and after, windows gtk client has bad performances.

Here’s the diff between version 6.6.2 and 6.6.3:

The problem seems linked to the new version of libssl (1.1 → 3) used to compile the windows gtk client and uwsgi. Did we miss something in the server configuration? (installation was made on a clean Debian and we followed the steps from the docker installation, but our installation is not a docker)

Then, we tried with Gunicorn as wsgi server, and there was no problem with any version of windows gtk client.

Feel free to share your experience about this problem concerning Windows Gtk client and uwsgi.
Did you notice also slow performance with this configuration?

Don’t know how to solve this problem for now except using Gunicorn instead of uwsgi. :thinking:

How do you manage the SSL on the server side? If it is with µwsgi I think it is better to use a reverse proxy like nginx.

For the record it is planned to replace µwsgi by probably gunicorn.

In our case, we didn’t configure any certificate between server and client. Nothing is crypted (not the best solution, but it’s internal for now). We used uwsgi without nginx.

So libssl and libcrypto can not be the culprit.

Usually on Windows the problem is too slow DNS.

Now tryton JSON-RPC is based on the xmlrpc.client. We should look if something changed there between Python releases.

slow DNS would affect it the same though if the server is running trytond and uwsgi

I am having the same issue and not even using https just http for testing