Payment Methods missing when paying invoices

Hi guys, thank you for this great application!
I am a new user to this, and I’m really stuck on something.

When I create a supplier invoice such as this

There’s a “>Pay” button in the RHS corner. When I press it I get the following window and unfortunately, there’s no Payment Method available for me to select, so I cannot pay the invoice.

This is unexpected since I created one payment method in Financial>Configuration>Journals>Invoice Payment Methods:

It is just somehow not picking it up.

Would really appreciate your help, as I cannot find any answers to this online!
Many thanks!

This is the payment method I have created:

And this is how the payment method was setup:

I’m logged in as ‘admin’ user with full Administration rights on all Financial Accounting modules. Admin has the following setup:

This is because you set the debit account as “Main Payable”. This is probably the same as the account on the invoice. So you can not pay an invoice with the same account. Usually the debit account (and the credit) is an cash account (or a bank account).