Pay and Pay Invoice wizard

Hi All,

I’m a bit confused when I have to pay a sale invoice cause when I click on the button Pay on the Lines to Pay section of the invoice, I don’t get an automatic reconciliation. The workaround for me is to cancel the paiement and going to Financial/Payments/Line to pay and do the wizard Reconcile lines and I get my invoice directly paid.
Is there a setup somewhere to have automatic reconciliation ?
When I look at the code I see a wizard called “Pay Invoice” in module account_invoice who manage reconciliation but it never appears, I just see wizard Credit from Financial/Invoice/Customer Invoice.
When during the life of the customer invoice we should see this wizard ?


Do you have the worker running?

Seams that the process method is not being executed by a worker. You can run in manually by using the button “Process” on the invoice.

The “Pay” button on the account move lines is to create a payment which is an order for third-party (like a Bank) to proceed to a payment. This comes from the Account Payment Module.
It does not mean paying the invoice.

So this means that you have already a line for the payment? How did you book it, manually?

There is the Reconciling accounts wizard which tries to reconcile every accounts marked to be reconciled.

This is because you must first define at least one Payment Method.

But be careful this is not a very good way to follow payment per bank, electronic etc.
It may be useful for cash payment but probably only if it happens rarely.
Or if you are just using Tryton for a part of the accounting (e.g. you do not enter the bank statement).

Thanks Cédric it’s clear . I’ve defined the payment method and now I see the Pay button from module account_invoice after posting my invoice.


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