Notification Email for internal emails (alias)


I’m setting a trigger to send an email when doing a specific workflow or setting a flag in a model. In notification email module, all recipients are Many2One fields. I just want to use the trigger to send an email to an internal department of the company:,,…
Fallback user recipient field is only displayed if the recipient field is used.
How to allow such internal emails as recipients ?

I made a custo on notification email module to add a “recipient email” field for such trigger that send an email to a specific department of the company.

from trytond.i18n import gettext
from trytond.model import fields
from trytond.pool import Pool, PoolMeta
from import EmailNotValidError, validate_email

from .exceptions import EMailValidationError

class Email(metaclass=PoolMeta):
    __name__ = ''

    recipient_email = fields.Char("Recipient Email",
        help="Will take priority over recipients fields if filled")

    def _get_to(self, record):
        pool = Pool()
        Lang = pool.get('ir.lang')
        to, languages = super()._get_to(record)
        if self.recipient_email:
            except EmailNotValidError as e:
                raise EMailValidationError(gettext(
                    str(e)) from e
            languages =[('code', '=', 'fr'),], limit=1)
            languages = set(languages)
            to = self._get_addresses(self.recipient_email)
        return to, languages
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- The COPYRIGHT file at the top level of this repository contains the full 
     copyright notices and license terms. -->
    <xpath expr="//label[@name='recipients']" position="before">
        <label name="recipient_email"/>
        <field name="recipient_email"/>

It is not the first time that such request happens.
So I think we could make the fallback user always visible.

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