Newsletter November 2018

We have a fresh new website to better show the features of Tryton and be more speaking to the visitor. This has been possible thanks to the investment of the Foundation (meaning the donors). So do not forget to check our new donation page. :wink:


Changes for the user

The stock_consignment module now supports internal shipment between supplier and customer. In this case the stock move creates two invoices. And it uses the origin of the invoice lines to manage them from the move workflow.

The notification_email module now allows employees as recipients, as it is quite common to have employees linked to documents (e.g. shipments).

Now it is possible to refund an invoice which already include partial payments. Refunding is possible, as long as there are no reconciled move lines. The state of a refunded invoice is now set to cancelled instead of paid.
This is an important change for a sale with shipment method set to on invoice paid. The resulted invoice is already posted, but should be refunded by a credit note. Now the state of the invoice is set to cancelled and the sale is set to invoice exception, instead of creating a most likely wrong shipment.

The drag & drop of file functionality on the web and desktop client is unified. On the web client, it is possible to drop file on the attachment button of the web client. And the desktop client supports dropping file on the binary widgets.

Entering time sheets from the project is simplified as the work is filled automatically.

New Module implementing user roles

The user_role module allows to assign roles to users. Roles are sets of access groups. When a role is added to a user, it overrides existing groups. A role can be added to a user for a period.
This module is useful for large companies with complex access rights which evolve over time.

Changes for the developer

Now creating and deleting a note or attachment is checked only for write access permissions. The implementation provides an easy way to modify one type of check into another, if needed.