Newsletter February 2024

During the last month we’ve worked hard on fixing bugs, improving how things work, increasing performance and adding new features.

Changes for the User

Sales, Marketing, Purchases and Projects

When ignoring a shipment exception the ignored quantities are now deduced from the remaining quantity.

On assigning a sale supply stock move now only the children locations of the original are picked, to avoid an invalid pair of from- and to- locations.

When computing stock quantities sale lines without a shipping date are now sorted at the end of the list.

Now on cancellation of a purchase request only the staging moves are cancelled, too and the supply states of the sale lines are also cancelled.

It is now possible to select a blanket agreement line without a given supplier or customer product.

The marketing automation now provides reporting for scenarios and activities.

Accounting, Invoicing and Payments

An exchange rate account is now available on the invoice to book currency exchange rate differences.

The use of a deposit account is again permitted for payments.

Stock, Production and Shipments

You can now assign moves with zero quantity using a location with type view

The planned date of assigned moves from shipments and productions is now updated accordingly to avoid low stock levels.

There is no longer a warning raised, when the shipment quantity difference is 0.

Now the actual date is used to set the planned date of assigned moves for getting accurate computation results.

The sale supplies are now processed for the same warehouse and for the same company. Also the supply now always uses the forecast quantity to compute the supply with an activated stock first option. This is done to minimize the number of purchases created.

When a purchase request is deleted and the process does not require a new purchase request to be recreated, the request stock moves are now updated to a draft state.

User Interface

Documents are now ordered so that any cancelled ones without a number are placed at the end, because they are usually the least interesting documents.

The GTK and the Sao client now support password reset from the user.

New Documentation

We also reworked parts of the Tryton documentation.

New Releases

We released bug fixes for the currently maintained long term support series
7.0 and 6.0, and for the penultimate series 6.8.

Changes for the System Administrator

The trytond-admin command now supports the delaying database index creation. The new command line option --indexes is useful to separate the database update from the index creation, which can be a long running process.

Changes for Implementers and Developers

The csb43 package has now been replaced by the aeb43 package, which is used to parse AEB43 statements.

The doctest tool set gets some useful enhancements:

Cached properties on objects with __slots__ are now supported.

Authors: @dave @pokoli @udono