Newsletter April 2023

We are sure you’ll be eager to hunt for the Easter eggs hidden among the changes made since the last newsletter.

Changes for the User

For products that are marked as supply on sale, it is now possible to configure the system so that purchases are only generated if there is not enough stock available in the warehouse.

The account move template keywords are now checked to ensure they are valid when they are created, to ensure the template works when it is used.

The party is no longer considered to be part of the the record name when searching for invoices.

A new shipment state Partially Shipped has been added for Sales and Purchases to indicate that there are already partial shipments.

The invoice state shown on Sales and Purchases now indicates whether the related invoices are pending, awaiting payment or partially paid.

When creating order points, the user’s warehouse is now used by default.

When opening invoices related to a party the list now shows the pending and paid invoices.

The moves that make up a shipment are now shown in a specific order.

It is now possible to define whether the full supplier’s invoice should be generated, or just the invoice lines. This makes it easier to get the invoices to match the format used by the supplier.

The payment groups now have a window domain to easily filter which are pending and which are already processed.

Mandates linked to inactive accounts are no longer considered as valid for sepa payments. Also, when deactivating an account its linked account numbers are also deactivated.

New Modules

A new module to account for stock in Europe has been added. For now, this module lets you generate the instrastat declaration for several countries.

We added a new module to parse statements with MT940 format.

Changes for the System Administrator

The currency symbol is no longer required. The currency code will be used when no symbol is set for the currency.

Changes for the Developer

We now support Python 3.11 and at the same time have removed support for Python 3.7.
Python 3.7 is only supported until June, which is not long after Tryton 6.8 will be released, so by doing this we will keep running tests on the same number of different Python versions.

The FiscalYear and Period find methods have been improved. They now cache the result to avoid redundant database queries, and always raise an exception when no fiscal year, or period, is found.

The domain method is now supported on all field types. Up until now, this method was not implemented for some relation fields.

The calls to copy are now grouped together when assigning stock moves. This can, in some cases, make the process of assigning moves up to 10 times faster.

The dimensions on package and package types have been unified.

Authors: @dave @pokoli @udono


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