Network problems trying to clone repository

I was trying to report a simple typo on the code, and following the instructions. I was force to download the whole repository since yesterday.

hg clone

I am getting a network error:

abort: HTTP request error (incomplete response)
(this may be an intermittent network failure; if the error persists, consider contacting the network or server operator)

So as suggested on the net. I split the ‘hg clone’ command in several ‘hg pull’ and revision number, but after a while, it gets boring:

cheche@papa:~/git/tryton$ hg pull -r 15000
pulling from
searching for changes
adding changesets
adding manifests                                                                                                                                                                                           
adding file changes                                                                                                                                                                                        
transaction abort!                                                                                                                                                                                         
rollback completed
abort: HTTP request error (incomplete response)
(this may be an intermittent network failure; if the error persists, consider contacting the network or server operator)

So I made a simple script that i share if anyone gets same problem:

# if the hg clone fails
hg clone -r 1 ssh://
cd tryton
 for i in {1..950};
   do echo rev {i}00;
   hg pull -r ${i}00;
hg update

Doing a clone is normally better because there is a bundle that was generated on 18-12-2022. So only the new changesets should be fetched.
I guess you should investigate why your mercurial is not using the bundle.

Maybe the hg (5.3.1) is too old. Ubuntu 20.04 and the hg client still use python2.7, so to use the topic and evolve extension I had to update in a non-standard manner. Still,If I use this script is because I did try to clone but fail. I had to work-around to keep moving forward…

This is pretty old, current version is 6.5. But clone bundle is standard since 3.7.
(also Python 2.7 is no more maintained).

Could you provide the output of hg clone -v ?

Trying to output this command. I had execute on /tmp and it was a lot faster, no network I was not able to reproduce it. Seems like a problem on /home that is mounted using nfs, so a problem on my side. Nothing to worry on this forum. Thanks for you help, sorry for the noise. even using and old hg (5.3.1) still works, I can use topic and evolve extensions, so everything ok now.

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