Named states for invoice in sale an purchases


The invoice state showed from purchases and sales normally is very confused for many users because does not allow understand the really state invoice, for example in a sale with invoice state “Waiting”, is not clear if the invoice is in draft or valid, or post, there is a important difference between this states and the sales user need more explicit detail of invoice.


The invoice state in sales o purchase must be same to the real invoice state,

If the invoice is “Posted”, the invoice state visible from sales must be “Posted” not “Waiting”


This can not work because you can have multiple invoices in many different states.
That’s why we are not using the same values as the state of the invoice and that we have relate buttons to look at them.
Also salesmen must not care about the detail of the invoice status. This is the job of the accountant.

hi, topic discussed here: Missing invoice_state "posted" on sale module is intentional or not?