Modulo Contract_ar

Hola que tal. Buenos dias.

Existe la posibilidad de que pueda actualizarse el módulo Contract_ar y sus derivados, a la versión 5.6? Segun tengo entendido, es un módulo para trabajar con facturación masiva. Muy importante para empresas de servicios y creo que solo llega a la versión 5.0 de Tryton.


Hi Pablo,

You should use the sale_subscription modules on latest series.

Hi @pnavarro,

As @pokoli told you, contract module (contrib module from nantic) was superseed by sale_subscription’s modules. Devs from Argentina created sale_subscription_pos_ar module so the point of sale is added to the customer invoice automatically.

Hola Luciano qu etal. Como sería el funcionamiento de éste módulo? En que consiste agregar el punto de venta en forma automática? O permite generar lotes de facturas de clientes de manera concurrente?


Hi @pnavarro,

The idea of sale_subscription_pos_ar is to add the field pos to sale.subscription model. So, when sale_subcription module create the client invoices the point of sale is set also.

mm… do not understand quite what are you talking about here. I think you are mixing things.

  • There is a cron that you can set it up so sale_subscription that create the invoices at bacground.

  • When you post your invoice to AFIP[0] (with account_invoice_ar) it send one request with the information of your inovices as xml. With Tryton you can post a lot of invoices at once, and the module of account_invoice_ar instead of posting one by one to AFIP, send it as a Lote, so you it sends one request to AFIP with 250[0] invoices at once.

[0] 250 is the max limit.

Ok. La empresa genera abonos mensuales por un servicio prestado siempre a los mismos clientes. Entonces, el modulo sale_subscription me permitiría armar lotes de clientes para realizar luego la facturación mensual siempre por el mismo valor de factura y a los mismos clientes?
Por ejemplo, una factura de luz o una factura de agua, etc…
Es lo que necesito.


Yes, the idea of sale_subscription is create recurring invoices for your customers.

The amount that you would charge of thouse invoices like light and water changes every month because you need measure the amount of light that has been used by the customer. If that is the example, I think you would need some extra development.

Luciano Rossi (lukio)

Perfecto Luciano. Se va entendiendo. El valor en realidad corresponde a un abono por servicios de seguridad electronica. Los precios son fijos y suelen variar dos veces al año por inflación.


We are missing on sale_subscription a way to define when and how the price should be increased.

For now you can just set and end date for the line and create a new one with the new prices

There is a topic about this stuff: Update price of multiple subscriptions