Modify form view of Products/Variants

I want to display an additional field on the Products/Variants view:

But I can’t seem to find how to modify it.

I can add (or in this case duplicate) a field on the Products view:

using this definition in Views:

Can you tell me what I need to change to modify the Variants view?

You modified the variant view as you inherited the view of product.product. But product.product has many views so you must inherit all of them if you need.

Can you give me an example of an xpath expression which will match something in Form Products/Variants? I have tried many variations without success.

I do not understand. Your screenshot show an xpath that add field on the product.product.

It works on Products, but not on Products/Variants

See screenshot under:

I want to display an additional field on the Products/Variants view:

This is the variant view. But as I said there are multiple view for the variant, you must inherit also the others.

There is no way to identify which one is associated with Products/Variants? They are all named product.product.

I have went through many of them and as far as I can tell only the product.product of view type Form does not generate an error. So I am at a loss.

It is the one that inherit from product.template.

By the way, I filled Issue 9424: Improve record name of view by adding the type and/or the inherit - Tryton issue tracker

Ok, it is working now.

Making the view names more clearly identifiable will certainly help people like me make small changes.

Thank you.

I think the same, sometimes it’s a little bit difficult to look for an specific view. Maybe we should think about adding some more specific information. Because just adding the type and the inherit would continue being not 100% specific. I just can think about the ID, but is not so pretty. Maybe adding a Code to the views by a sequence? Just my two cents.

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