Minimum & Maximum Requirements to run "Tryton GNU Health"

  1. Minimum & Maximum Requirements of PC to run Tryton GNU Health Client
  2. Minimum & Maximum Requirements of Server to run Tryton GNU Health Server
  3. Minimum & Maximum Requirements of Network Speed and deployed Topology
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@Alpha ,
From the GNU Health website:

I have a question about GNU Health, what is the best way to ask ?

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We do not have precise requirements but 1 CPU and 1Go (maybe less) of memory should be enough.

Idem but I can se that we succeed to run it on 1vCPU et 1Go of memory. Less than that will be difficult. Also it is not enough if you plan to use LibreOffice to generate PDF.

The client-server does not consume a lot of data usually but it is important to have a smallest latency possible because the client send a lot of request. So a latency over 1s and Tryton will be annoying to use.
For the network topology, I would only recommend to use a proxy with SSL on the server (and avoid any non-encrypted network communication).

Thankyou So much for precise and clear answers of my question