[SQL] Remove deprecated modules (must be run before update):
DELETE FROM ir_module WHERE name IN ( 'webdav', 'calendar', 'calendar_todo', 'calendar_scheduling', 'calendar_classification', 'party_vcarddav');
DELETE FROM ir_ui_view WHERE module IN ( 'webdav', 'calendar', 'calendar_todo', 'calendar_scheduling', 'calendar_classification', 'party_vcarddav');
[SQL] Update address formats:
UPDATE party_address_format SET format_ = REPLACE(format_, '${district}', '${subdivision}');
[SQL] Relation between purchase and invoice_lines must be deleted:
DROP TABLE purchase_invoice_line_rel;
[MANUAL] The depreciation duration of the products must be checked for all assets as previous value could not be migrated (see issue6395).
[PY] Replace Property fields but MultiValue fields. (see issue2349).
[SQL] After property migration old model data should be cleared:
DELETE FROM ir_model_data WHERE model = ''