Migrate from 3.8 to 6.0

Hi Sir!
A few years ago we have installed trytond 3.8.8, from the last few years we are working in it.
and now i installed trytond 6.0.28 on the virtual machine. i want to migrate trytond 3 to trytond 6… because we did a lot of work(like added some sort of modules) in it. Is it possible? or is there any way migration of trytond…
Thanks…we are using gnuhealth tryton for hospital system

Hi @shafi12,

Migration between versions is fully supported. You just need to install the new series and update Update your database.

If you have custom code you will need to update all the modules for the newer series. As you are using gnuhealth, you will need also to setup the new gnuhealth version.

Hope it helps!

And apply all the manual migration steps for the series between: Migration - Tryton Discussion
At some point you may need to first for example update to 5.0 before updating to 6.0. This is because we mainly only test jump of one series but most of the time you can jump more.

Sir! what’s the procedure for migration first form 3 to 4 then 4 to 5 and 5,6?

You have to follow those discuss: Migration - Tryton Discussion

can we do migration from 3.8 to 6.0 directly?

Yes, you can migrate directly from 3.8 to 6.0 (we’ve done that in the past). You will need to perform all the migration queries for all versions.