Manage package exclusion in CI

With the problematic release of braintree 4.33.0 CI is failing like test-demo (#2855398) · Jobs · Tryton / Tryton · GitLab.

So I searched for a way to exclude some version of package in the CI and I found that recent version of Pip has a constraint option which can be set via the PIP_CONSTRAINT environment variable.

So I decided to add braintree != 4.33.0 to a global PIP_CONSTRAINT variable on the Tryton group.
This seems to be working as test-demo (#2858491) · Jobs · Tryton / Tryton · GitLab (relaunched from the same MR) is not failing.

I do not think that it will work for docker builds but I guess we could add ARG PIP_CONSTRAINT= in the docker file and set the kaniko argument --build-arg PIP_CONSTRAINT=${PIP_CONSTRAINT].

As PIP_CONSTRAINT must point to a file, my proposal for Docker build can not work.
But I came with this solution Support PIP_CONSTRAINT environment variable (!33) · Merge requests · Tryton / Tryton Docker · GitLab