Manage multiple warehouses inventory in Tryton

Hola! I have to begin exploring this and introduce it to our team.

It looks like you and other that you mentioned have already taken this project quite far.

Does anyone use Tryton for multi store locations? Currently we are working on getting our inventory and preproduction set up with multiple warehouses but I would rather collaborate on an existing erp solution.

Thank you for this information!

Si tenemos la experiencias con multiples ubicaciones, existe la posibilidad de realizar una soluciĆ³n para varias ubicaciones Tryton permite esto nativamente, creando multiples bodegas (ā€œWharehousesā€), tambiĆ©n hemos desarrollado informes a nivel contable para que la informaciĆ³n de ventas y compras se puedan separar por ubicaciĆ³n.

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Yes, tryton is ready for multi warehouse. You just need to setup the multiple warehouses on the database and for each stock move indicate the warehouse where the products are moved from/to.

Also it is possible to create productions on each warehouse or have an special warehouse which produces everything and sends to other warehouses. Using the stock supply module you can define some rules to let the system know how do you want to organize the supply between warehouses and the system will create the requests (purchase, internal move or production) needed to supply products to all warehouses.

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Okay thanks for confirming that. One thing that caught my attention was that Tryton is suitable for any sized business. I am not exactly sure what would make it qualify but you had mentioned it being used in the Colombian government.

Great information, Iā€™m really excited to set up our test environment. These features you mentioned are essential for us and probably anyone serious about enterprise level management. Thank you for the link!