Long tab titles in Tryton 6.0

In Tryton 5.x tab title contains only its short name (example: “Groups”). In Tryton 6.0 tab title contains its full name (example: “Administration / Users / Groups”). If there are many tabs open, then all of them show the same name of the main menu (example: “Administration / …”). This is very uncomfortable.
Is it possible to show only short tab names in Tryton 6.0?

In my humble opinion, the long tabs in 6.0 came to help removing the ambiguity issue when you open two views with the same name but from different modules, for example Category view that is present in Product and Party. So going back to short title may not be a good idea.

This has been improved with Issue 10505: Display only last menu entry as tab name - Tryton issue tracker

I don’t mind long names in tabs themselves (the text above toolbar), but I am against long names in tab titles.

We are using Desktop Client and there is no such improvement.

It was also done on the desktop client.

Here is a screenshot with two tabs open (“Users” and “Groups”):

I would like the text “Users” for the first tab and the text “Groups” for the second tab instead of the text “Administration / …”.

Why can’t I see the improvement?
I am using Desktop Client 6.0.6.

Because it will be in the series 6.2

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