Just the basics of a recursive BOM setup?

Is there a step by step example, or video, or tutorial on how to set up one manufactured product with a recursive BOM structure? I am having trouble muddling through to even to set up a single part in the system. Once I have this I think I will want to export it to understand what I’ll need to import my BOMs from Solidworks, even if I have to run them through an intermediary step of manipulating in Excel at first.

Coming from an engineering side of things I’d expect to see a Part Number, Description, and Revision field, but even this escapes me! And yet somehow I think I’ll be able to learn enough about APIs and modules and programming to eventually build the things I want to see. This stuff is a far cry from Turbo C++ ver 3.0 for DOS, but I’ve had an aptitude for programming whenever I’ve needed it.

Ideally in the end I would like to have a system that I can export a recursive BOM from Solidworks, and import only the new parts not set up in Tryton. I’d be able to link pdf drawings to each part, then for production, print out the drawing package in order of the BOM (and not print any repeat drawings). Seems it’s hard to find any ERP that might offer something similar. Our challenge is that we make new recursive BOMs with dozens of new parts every week. Lots of new parts, and some repurposed from existing products that will already be set up. It’s a waste of time for Engineering to be always in charge of printing drawings, but I need automation to ensure pdf drawing packages can be relied on to be 100% up to date.

On the ECR/ECN side of things, when a part/drawing needs revising, a lookup of what parts that part goes into would be done and those assemblies/drawings could be flagged as needing ECR/ECN # to be done and the pdf package updated before being printed for another run.

I’d consider my needs extremely basic, but I haven’t really seen a single MRP system that I like. If I can put the hours into it though, I feel like Tryton is the place to do it. I wanted something without monthly subscriptions for users or modules, and is not being developed by a single company. I feel there’s a lot of security in using Tryton - it will never be cancelled or priced out of reach.

What are you calling “recursive BoM”. Because for me, there can not be recursion for a BoM otherwise it would mean that to build a thing, you need that thing as input.

Maybe you mean a multi-level BoM?

If you want to base the system on Solidworks you just need to get an export format from there.
This format can be latter imported to Tryton (using a custom wizard) and create/update all the required information. I do not think this is so much challenging, just a mather of setup the proper information flow between both systems and this may include removing/marking as outdated the needed drawings.

Yes. Should have said multi-level.

I’ve tried the BOM feature and the Product feature to set up just a test product/part. Still can’t figure out where a part number is put, or how to add parts to the BOM of a part. Thought I came close with using the Product feature, but then it tells me “A value is required for field “Company” in “Product List Price””, neither of which I can enter on any of the tabs. Sooo many hoops. At least installing on WSL was easy.
Really hope in a couple of weeks of fidgeting I’ll feel like I was dense for not seeing how obvious all this was. My biggest challenge is finding documentation on the most basic stuff that I need to do, which I acknowledge could be just a “me” problem.

Needless to say but BOM stands for Bill Of Material which generally means a set of products. So your Solidworks parts and assemblies are products in Tryton. Your 3D models and drawings can be attached as attachments to the respective product. However there is no such thing as revision control, checkout, checkin etc. So no PDM system!

When you think a bit more about it, a multi-level BOM is nice as a quick overview but doesn’t have much to do with production. When you produce something you take a few components and put them together into one assembly. Then you use that assembly and other parts and assemblies to produce another assembly etc.

What you can do is to export the BOM tree from the main assembly and use some Python code to split the tree up so that you end up with a ‘parent’ product and some ‘child’ products.

Now back to your problem:
You can find some documentation on docs.tryton.org and specifically Product Module — Tryton module with products and Production — Tryton Documentation

So in short:

  • create products in ProductsProducts, even for your (sub) assemblies
  • create BOM’s in ProductionsConfigurationBOMs, for some the outputted product will be a (sub) assembly

Also take a look at the demo6.6.tryton.org server where you can fiddle around.

Make sure your user has a company. As admin open the user via AdministrationUsersUsers and check if current company and current employee are filled in and try again.

Hopefully this will help you to get a first start.

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Thanks for the help! I got a few test parts added. I set up a few test part numbers:
1 TEST-1000
1.1 TEST-1005
1.1.2 TEST-1006
2 TEST-1002
2.1 TEST-1003
2.2 TEST-1004

I wanted to add TEST-1002 to TEST-1000’s BOM, but it wouldn’t show up as an option, so that’s a small mystery to solve. I’ve had a few server errors pop up while navigating around and I probably should have restarted the laptop after several days of playing with the server. Now I wait while the laptop running the server installs updates.

My next step was trying to figure out that bare minimum fields I need to import for a part. I thought I’d start with:

  1. Open the csv import tool in one tab, and the csv export tool in another
  2. In the export tool, select all the matching fields available in the import tool
  3. Export my parts and BOMs
  4. Import my parts and BOMs
  5. ???
  6. Profit

Between steps 3 and 4 errors occur, so I cannot complete steps 5 and 6. I probably should have started off with installing the server with just the Product and Productions modules, and not all the accounting ones that looked like sometime in the future they would be useful!

Forgot to check the producible option on the product tab?

If you can program and understand Python a bit you can also use proteus · PyPI which is a Python scripting client for Tryton. It gives you way more flexibility then a CSV import.

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