at our part of corporation we are looking for crm. Mainly for contact management and a bit more: We are looking for a way to build a contacts database with relationships between each other: within corporation we have many small companies. We are IT architects + their group software Service desk. We are interacting as with users as with their local IT crew. Because names are regularly changing we need to stay on top of it, which at the moment we are not. We are looking for CRM becase we want to be able to browse communication with our contacts and their relationship between each other (Bosses, teams) and make notes to contacts and also to be able to send group emails. Userbase will be in 100 -300 - we are talking mostly about their IT crew or specific people not about every employee. Do you think Tryton will serve this purpose?
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The party_relationship
module can manage that.
Tryton does not have yet a place to record activities: Party Related Activities
Tryton is not a email client but you can export as CSV the email address of a set of parties. This can be used to fill an email client to write email.
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