I’m wondering if it’s possible by code to replicate the SQL syntax in table_query def:
“select tt.id from (select id as id from table t) tt”
and where I can find an example ?
Tks in advance,
I’m wondering if it’s possible by code to replicate the SQL syntax in table_query def:
“select tt.id from (select id as id from table t) tt”
and where I can find an example ?
Tks in advance,
See the “Select with sub-select” in the python-sql examples.
This is because the SelectQuery
object is a subclass of FromItem
In fact I realise that what I need is more a “having” instruction to a group_by select for instance :
select sum(quantity) from table group_by product having sum(quantity) > 0
I don’t find the having instruction in python-sql but is it possible to put the select without the having condition in a table variable and select the element > 0 in this table ?
python-sql supports having
clause on Select
The example in the README are not exhaustif but you can assume that all SQL standard features (especially the very common) are in python-sql.
Ok great I try it tks Cedric