Is there a multi-entry module with multiple forms of payment and multi-invoices?

I need a module in which an entry can be made with multiple forms of payment to pay invoices from different clients, the use case is a cash receipt with several forms of payment, which pay several invoices from different clients. Does someone have it already done or can give me a module that I should start from to achieve it easily. where can i find it?

How can a payment cancel an invoice? A payment pay an invoice.

Sorry when I refer to canceling is to pay, it is to pay many bills with various forms of payment.

Just reconcile all the “payment” lines with the payable line(s) of the invoice.

La verdad no te entendí, mi ingles es malo, puede ser como estoy preguntando, el caso de uso es que llega un conductor con varias formas de pago, cheques, efectivo, y bonos, este trabajador me trae el dinero de varios clientes, entonces es un modulo en el que pueda pagar varias facturas con múltiples formas de pago.