I tried to update from Tryton 6.8 to 7.0 using tags.
Now I got this error message as soon as I open Tryton :
Version mismatch
Incompatible version of the server.
Can somebody help me figure this out please ?
I tried to update from Tryton 6.8 to 7.0 using tags.
Now I got this error message as soon as I open Tryton :
Version mismatch
Incompatible version of the server.
Can somebody help me figure this out please ?
Tryton is released by series (same major and minor version numbers), for example trytond 7.0 can be connected to using tryton 7.0.0, 7.0.1,7.0.*.
You need to update both client and server to the same version.
Let me add that apart of updating the versions tags you need to perform a database update (trytond-admin -d DATABASE_NAME -vv --all
) and check if you have to perform any migration steps.
As I understand it :
I use the same instance of docker and the same container for both client and server.
I deleted the container and then recreated it with :
docker run --name tryton --env DB_HOSTNAME=postgres --env DB_PASSWORD=XXXXXX --mount source=mount_data,target=/var/lib/trytond/db --network tryton_network --publish --detach tryton/tryton
Am I doing something wrong ?
Thanks for the help everybody !
Have you clear the cache of the browser because it may still use the older version.
Thanks very much.
Now I got new problems but it’s still progress :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “usrlocallibpython3.11dist-packagestrytondwsgi.py”, line 109, in dispatch_request
return endpoint(request, **request.view_args)
File “usrlocallibpython3.11dist-packagestrytondprotocolsdispatcher.py”, line 43, in rpc
return methods.get(request.rpc_method, _dispatch)(
File “usrlocallibpython3.11dist-packagestrytondwsgi.py”, line 75, in wrapper
return func(request, *args, **kwargs)
File “usrlocallibpython3.11dist-packagestrytondprotocolswrappers.py”, line 200, in wrapper
return func(request, pool, *args, **kwargs)
File “usrlocallibpython3.11dist-packagestrytondprotocolsdispatcher.py”, line 196, in _dispatch
result = rpc.result(meth(*c_args, **c_kwargs))
File “usrlocallibpython3.11dist-packagestrytondmodelmodelview.py”, line 338, in view_toolbar_get
exports = Export.search_read(
File “usrlocallibpython3.11dist-packagestrytondmodelmodelstorage.py”, line 586, in search_read
records = cls.search(domain, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order)
File “usrlocallibpython3.11dist-packagestrytondmodelmodelsql.py”, line 1798, in search
File “usrlocallibpython3.11dist-packagestrytondbackendpostgresqldatabase.py”, line 68, in execute
cursor.execute(self, sql, args)
psycopg2.errors.UndefinedColumn: column a.records does not exist
LINE 1: …, “a”.“header” AS “header”, “a”.“name” AS “name”, “a”."recor…
Maybe I must update my database as @acaubet said ?
I guess I would have to create a new thread for this if necessary ?
Yes you must follow How to setup a database — Tryton server when upgrading to a new series.
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