Creating new forum topics which documents a business process in Tryton should automatically become an addition to the appropriate tags in the documentation.
My vision is to have one tag for each functionality named in the functional documentation overview. In each functionality section (e.g. accounting section) in
the documentation we have a prominent link to the tag in Discuss.
It would be great when we also can show automatically the 7 top new/rated/read topic headlines of the tag.
And vice versa each category in discuss is back-linked to the appropriate functionality section in the documentation.
This way we can quickly add user documentation, Tutorials and How-tos on demand and on availability.
We would be able to collaboratively edit and discuss the content easily.
Additional tags or categories could be used to select topics to include or to filter out topics for older Tryton versions or topics needed to re-work.
NB. We also talked about a similar idea in the Maintenance Slot in Tryton Unconference Berlin 2023.
Edit: Replace categories by tags