Import multiple CAMT-Files in one step

Getting a bunch CAMT files from the bank, it’s hard to import manually each single file (for one day). Therefore a request to ChatGPT delivered the attached script. It takes several CAMT files combined in a ZIP archive and merge them together to one single CAMT file. It also cleans the “.0” at the end of some timestamp entries, which Tryton cannot deal with.

What do You think? Would it be the best approach to

  • create a separate module
  • to integrate such code in the account-sepa-statement module
  • or is there yet another and better solution?


Here the script generated by ChatGPT:

#! /usr/bin/env python3

import os
import zipfile
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
from xml.dom.minidom import Document
from datetime import datetime
import re

def extract_zip_files(input_folder):
    for filename in os.listdir(input_folder):
        if filename.endswith(".zip"):
            zip_path = os.path.join(input_folder, filename)
            with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_ref:

def merge_camt053_files(input_folder, output_file):
    doc = Document()
    root = doc.createElement("Document")
    root.setAttribute("xmlns", "urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:camt.053.001.02")

    bk_to_cstmr_stmt = doc.createElement("BkToCstmrStmt")

    for filename in os.listdir(input_folder):
        if filename.endswith(".xml"):
            filepath = os.path.join(input_folder, filename)
            parse_and_merge(filepath, bk_to_cstmr_stmt, doc)

    with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        f.write(doc.toprettyxml(indent="  "))

def parse_and_merge(filepath, target_node, doc):
    dom = minidom.parse(filepath)
    statements = dom.getElementsByTagName("BkToCstmrStmt")

    for stmt in statements:
        for child in stmt.childNodes:
            if child.nodeType == Document.ELEMENT_NODE:
                imported_stmt = doc.importNode(child, True)

def clean_time_elements(node):
    for element in node.getElementsByTagName("FrDtTm"):
    for element in node.getElementsByTagName("ToDtTm"):
    for element in node.getElementsByTagName("CreDtTm"):

def clean_time_format(element):
    if element.firstChild and element.firstChild.nodeType == element.TEXT_NODE:
        original_value = element.firstChild.nodeValue
            cleaned_value = re.sub(r"(\.\d+)([+-]\d+:\d+)?", r"\2", original_value)
            dt = datetime.fromisoformat(cleaned_value)
            element.firstChild.nodeValue = dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
        except ValueError:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    input_folder = "./input_files"
    output_file = "merged_camt053.xml"

    if not os.path.exists(input_folder):
        print(f"Folder {input_folder} not found.")
        # Extract ZIP files before processing XML files
        merge_camt053_files(input_folder, output_file)
        print(f"Finished merging. Result saved in {output_file}")

Could not they generate a single one. The SEPA norm says that it should contain the transaction between the last requested file.

Could you please fill a with an example of failing format.

The issue occured some times ago. Now the import has no errors, so please don’t care about it.

Hello, I came across the same issue. Asked at my bank (Sparkasse) and at another (Volksbank), both of them only do provide zip archives, containing a number of daily statement xml files.

For that reason:
Thanks to @mstma for this useful script which I’ll try; but as well a kind request to Tryton makers to implement batch processing for this; at least Germans will be grateful.

I think a MultiBinary field could be developed to be used only on Wizard which will behave like an <input type="file" multiple="true"/>.

Thank you for your reply. Not being a programmer, I do not know what it means, but never mind.

“Sparkasse” and “Volksbank” are two (of three) major players in the German market with roughly a 65% share in the market of business accounts. IMHO, at present for those (don’t know about the situation with private banks), Tryton’s CAMT import feature is of limited use.

So: Should I file an issue on this?