I have two tryton installations. How to sync stock moves between them

Problem statement:

I have two tryton separate installations. Facility 1 and facility 2. How to sync stock moves between them.


Stock is purchased at one facility 1 and issued to facility 2.

Facility 1 outbound: Issuance recorded in the facility 1 to be synched in facility 2, as inbound shipment.

Facility 1 Inbound: Consumption from facility 2 to be synched in facility 1.

What are you calling “Facility”? Is it companies?

  • If it is companies, Tryton does not have automatic EDI between instances.
  • If it is not companies, why have you 2 instances?

Actually, there are multiple child locations and one parent location, all have their own instances as separate companies. Because of central purchasing, parent location issues out stock to the child location which are defined as a sub store in their own instance, and want to record consumption of that child location when they utilize the stock.

Secondly, how to update stock quantity at parent company when child company sends in their current stock report

Kind of complicated.

So why are the instances separate companies and separate databases?
This sounds like an over-complication for no benefit.