How to work with tryton

i explain my problem.
i am developing small modules. i use a development pc AND a production server. i develop on my dev pc and when it is ok send it to the dev server.
When you touch views in modules with retry and errors, they stop working, you must “reimport” a database without those modules. so i import a pg-dump of the server to the local pc to avoid those broken views (that’s what was told me to do).
BUT now when i want to test a sale> invoice they told me that

You are trying to read records “1704” of “Party” that don’t exist anymore

what i must do before creating a sale go to the party and change on field, save, undo the change, save and then i can process.

i understand the process of ‘cache’ and so on but there must be a way to to such a simple thing. the problem is only on invoice… a bug somewhere ?

Not sure I understood what you are doing.

AFAIU you use a pg-dump / copy of your server for developing you modules. You copy the pg-dump to your dev-pc.

  • Do these errors occur on the server or on you dev-pc?
  • What is “send to the server”? What actions are you performing?
  • What actions are you performing on the dev-pc when bringing the database from the server? Are you stopping your local trytond?
  • What is “touch the views in modules”? — When defining a view in a xml-file, updating the module sould suffice to change the view.

Anyhow, I suggest you to develop your modules on an almost empty database, maybe even use a sqlite one (like I do), and including only dependencies of this module. Then have copy of the server used for testing the integration of your module into the existing system.