How to use group in view

i am searching a way that explain the views with colspan, group…

it comes from party, and is inside in a notebook colspan=6

<page string="General" id="general">
   <field name="addresses" mode="form,tree" colspan="4"
   <group colspan="2" id="new_cat">
	<field name="categories" 
	<field name="interets"  />

i would like something like

|                  | categories  |
|   adresses       |-------------|
|                  |  Interests  |

but i did not find the place in documentation that explain group in views and how to do that

the result is

|      adresses                  |
|      categories                |
|      interets                  |

We do not support row span, so at best you can make a group with a single col.

i would like something like

|  adresses        |  contact    |
|    categories    |   Interests |

and i am trying :

<field name="addresses" mode="form,tree" colspan="3"
<field name="contact_mechanisms" colspan="3"
<field name="categories" colspan="2" view_ids="party.category_view_list"/> 
field name="interets" colspan="2"/>		
<group col="2" colspan="2" id="lang">
    <label name="lang"/>
    <field name="lang" widget="selection" xexpand="0"/>

but contact still come under adresses…

ok i FOUND (perhaps) the arty.address_view_form as a colspan 4

Both fields have a colspan of 3 so they can not fit in a single row in a container with a col of 4.
See col and colspan.

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