How to install Tryton in traditional way

i was looking for an ERP software to turn into business for my self, i tried 1 to 2 systems then i saw Tryton, which i like the idea of Built on Python and Postgresql, i made my little research and found that Tryton is sperated module by module, here is the first question; is it an option if i install tryton-module-all and enable or disable later right after deployment? another question is do i have to install client, can’t clients access over web? and the last question (for now); i am not familiar Tryton way of installation i was expecting something like instal db (postgresql), install web server (nginx), download Tryton files put in nginx’s www folder and configure .conf files then got to address and start installation etc. what installation option do i have?


There is no such option because we encourage to install only what you need.
You can install and uninstall the packages but once a module is activated in the database, it can only be deactivated by experimental feature.

There is a web client named sao: tryton-sao - npm

Tryton is not a CGI application. So it is not run on request by the web server.
Indeed it is composed of a WSGI application (that comes with an internal web server for development) that must be run by a WSGI server like µwsgi or Gunicorn. But also of a optional cron server and an optional task worker.
You can install them using standard Python installation process: How to install Tryton — Tryton server
But the simplest way is to use the Tryton docker image.

Thank you for a nice explanation.

There is no such option because we encourage to install only what you need.
You can install and uninstall the packages but once a module is activated in the database, it can only be deactivated by experimental feature.

so how can i decide which modules to activate for a setup, for example i am asked to setup MRP or CRM or SALE, which module and dependencies i will install, is there any documentation for this? i was reading documents but did not came across such a guide!

Well there is no magic bullet. You must learn the modules to know if it fulfill your requirements.
You should start with the base module (this without _ in the name).
For the dependencies, if you install via pip they will be pulled automatically.

Thank you,
by dependencies i mean depended modules, like what other modules are needed for MRP or CRM setup. if i want to install account module ’ tryton-modules-account’ what other modules needed to be installed in order to use account module completely. etc. (dependencies of modules on modules).

this post could be my answer.

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