Kindly modify the configuration of the parent accounts to disable transactions, ensuring that no movements can be made on these accounts.
Could you please explain how I can proceed with this?
Kindly modify the configuration of the parent accounts to disable transactions, ensuring that no movements can be made on these accounts.
Could you please explain how I can proceed with this?
If you wish to override the Chart of Accounts template you created the accounts from you must go to Financial / Configuration / General Account / Accounts / Accounts
, then check Override Template
, go to the General Information
tab and check Closed
Thank you very much for your prompt response.
Please note that the menu is in Spanish; I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I have tried to demonstrate the navigation steps I followed within the system in an attempt to locate the configuration option to disable the parent accounts, but unfortunately, I was not successful.
I have not attached several files for your reference, because the system does not allow me to upload the file because it is new.
The path is:
Accounting / configuration
Accounting / configuration / charts of accounts / accounts
Accounting / configuration / charts of accounts / tree of account types
Accounting / configuration / templates / accounts
I do not understand.
I recommended that you go to:
Financial / Configuration / General Account / Accounts / Accounts
Are you able to go there?
and if not, why? What is stopping you?
Sorry, I do not know Spanish.
Also please do send text so that it can be searched by other discuss visitors.
It is not recommended to share external screen-shots because they may disappear in the future and other visitors will not be able to understand what is going on.
Thank you for your attention and for the guidance on proper forum practices. I will keep it in mind for future inquiries.