How to create a new printout for shipments


I need to create a new printout for the shipment model, available from the Customer Shipments screen. It’s to comply with Polish requirements for the inventory printouts - it needs to list the goods moved out from the warehouse to the outside world, with a reference to sales, invoices and couple of values for each item like quantity, price etc. My question is - what’s the recommended way of adding a new printout there? The steps I believe I need to perform are:

  1. Create a new fodt template
  2. Place the template in the stock module directory (manually or via the Reports configuration in admin?)
  3. Extend the shipment.xml file with handling of the new printout

Anything else I have to do in order to have the printout working?

Thanks in advance for any help or pointing to any existing documentation.

I have created a test report completely from gtk client in Admin Configuration, included the keywords to see report in the print menu.
I have also included a field related to another model.
I have followed your steps except extend the shipment.xlm and it works!
In my test I have used the party module, adjunt the screen shots that may help you.
Note: if you need to process data before generating the report you may need to write python and xml code (Reports — trytond 4.6 documentation) otherwise you will not.

  1. create ods report:
  2. create tryton report:
  3. create tryton keyword:
  4. print report:
  5. result:

Thank you @mono , that helped! Previously I did both changes - created the report in admin AND changed the xml - and that caused some issues. Now all is good. :bowing_man:

Now I’m struggling with accessing some of the data, but that’s another story :slight_smile:

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