How to apply validation on time

Sir, how to apply validation on time field so that it takes the entry from 8:00 am of the present day to 7:00am of next day.

Any help will be appreciable.

Is it time or datetime?
Any way, you can set a domain on the field.

Sir, i need to measure patients hourly data in terms of hours by hours in the form view that is from present day’s entry morning 8:00 am to next day 7:00 am. Code is given below:

time_of_measurement = fields.Time('Time At Measurement(hr/hrs)', format="%H")

But on applying this time is coming in terms of 00:00 to 24:00 and i need to show in form view like present day’s entry morning 8:00 am to next day 7:00 am.

Then by convention you can cover all cases, if the time is before 8:00 it is on the next day.
But by experience, it is usually better to store datetime if you want to store when something happened.