How to add Federation Objects in GNU Health (HIMS) for Stock Move

I try to add object for “stock.move” model but when I add stock move then it not showing in federation queue of his it not set post request thalamus federation server. Any one guide me issue related two this problem only two object is default added by gnuhealth his “” or “gnuhealth.pol” i want object model for “stock.move”

Please guide me if anyone have solution for it

Thalamus is a project developed only by GNU Health, so you should ask the authors at thalamus.rst
But I doubt that you can use it for stock move because, as far as I can tell, it is designed for append only document and is not designed to be extended like Tryton.

here you can see what I want to connect with thalamus federation server through federation module in tryton just want to know here how I add custom object with their fields as in inventory & stock module there is a stock.move model i want to create custom objects in federation module to send stock.move entries to federation server

Please ask to the Thalamus authors: thalamus.rst but after a quick look I do not think it is supposed to be extensible.