Hosting Tryton on Cloud Provider

Hi all, I’m thinking about to install Tryton on Heroku. Since Tryton requires PostgreSQL, I will be using Heroku Postgres as the database.

Has anyone successfully deployed Tryton on Heroku or any other cloud hosting provider? If so, I’d appreciate any tips, best practices, or challenges to watch out for, especially regarding performance, background tasks, and file storage.

Thanks in advance for any insight

At B2CK we host for our client on Clever Cloud using Docker runtime, Hosted PostgreSQL and Cellar storage.

The main challenge is to configure Gunicorn and the database connection pool to get the most out of the platform without exhausting the resources.

Depending on the size we run trytond-cron inside the same container and sometimes in a separate container.
Also we use sometimes document-converter to share the load of PDF conversion to be able to run containers on smaller size.

One big challenge if that the proxy of Clever Cloud limits the duration of the requests to 3 minutes so we have to be sure that user can perform their tasks in this time frame otherwise this is the reason for Retries on gateway timeout (#13222) · Issues · Tryton / Tryton · GitLab.

B2CK propose also as a service to setup such deployment.

Thanks for the explanation, it was very helpful to me.

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