Hackathons: creating a template for 1-2 day events for localization?

Early adopters in some countries may be willing to have a hackathon or similar event for translation and localization.

Could anybody help develop an agenda for events like this?

I already had a look at the page about localizing accounts. It would be really useful to convert that into step-by-step instructions, assuming some participants did not use Tryton before. For example:

  1. create account on the Tryton forum
  2. create account on the Tryton translation site
  3. search for existing issues for your country in the Issue Tracker
  4. one participant creates an issue about localizing for your country in the Issue tracker
  5. every other participant adds your name to the issue
  6. make a list of similar countries (same language, same customs union, same style of reports, etc), include notes in the Issue Tracker
  7. install Tryton (what is the best way to install it for localization / development work?)

If you are not familiar with Tryton I will recommend searching for easy issues first to become familair with the contribution process

In this case probably better to create a wiki on the forum, so anyone can edit an share its progress there. This is similar to what we did on the How to write tooltips, where we explain the task to be done and add a list of pending tasks.

It’s explained on our develop page