I would like to propose a little guide to get a development environment ready to work for newcomers to tryton.
This guide would be a new web page accessible through a link on “Make your modification.” phrase in Tryton - How to Develop
Create a virtual environment:
$ cd .. # up folder level where tryton-env repository was cloned
$ python3 -m venv .
$ source bin/activate
$ cd tryton-env
Install dependencies:
(virtual_env) $ pip install werkzeug ldap3 python-stdnum simpleeval cached_property requests stripe csb43 febelfin-coda pyyaml future ofxparse zeep PyPDF2 wheel ldap3 python-stdnum simpleeval cached_property requests stripe csb43 febelfin-coda pyyaml future ofxparse zeep PyPDF2 wrapt python-sql python-dateutil polib genshi relatorio passlib
Test trytond server:
(virtual_env) $ trytond/bin/trytond
Create and initialize database:
$ mkdir -p ~/db
$ touch ~/db/test_db.sqlite
(virtual_env) $ trytond/bin/trytond-admin -d test_db -u ir res -v
Install requirements:
$ pip install --user pygobject python-dateutil
Test tryton client:
$ tryton/bin/tryton
In case you want to develop with web client enter directory where sao was unpackaged and install it:
$ npm install
$ grunt
Create symlink to sao:
$ ln -s ~/path/to/directory/where/sao/is/placed www
Finally, test it setting localhost:8000 as the url in your browser.