Fingerprint readers for Attendance Module

Hello all,

Please could someone share with the community a list of fingerprint readers that they use with the attendance module.


I share with you what I found after my research in the following links:
1- VeriFinger fingerprint recognition technology, algorithm and SDK for PC, smartphones and Web
2- sentry-sdk · PyPI
3- Tryton | Sentry for Python
4- fingerprintreaders -

I’m not sure to understand what you are looking for.
Is it to have an authentication method based on fingerprint? If yes, I do not know if there is a standard way to send fingerprint over network for such purpose.

Sentry is not used for fingerprint reader but in order to track errors of the system.

I’d like to use the Attendance Module with a fingerprint reader.

I have access to a G2 TKZeco, I’ll test it with what I find in this repository.

I get it, thank you.

This can mean many different thing.
Please explain exactly what you want to achieve.

To record the entry time and exit time of employees, I would like to use a fingerprint device with Tryton Attendance Module.

This can still mean many different things.
Please explain precisely what you want to do?

Ok, the attendance module allows you to track the entry and exit time of employees. I would like to use a fingerprint reader to get the entry and exit time of employees.

Of course, I need to customize the party module while adding the fingerprint field.

I don’t know exactly how a fingerprint scanner works, but hooking it up directly to the server is not going to work. You have to have a system in between, which the fingerprint scanner is attached to. That system can be a raspberry pi or smaller and has a piece of software, developed by you, to get the data out of the fingerprint scanner and send to Tryton to be stored.

To get the data into Tryton you can use a custom route, or use the default JSON-RPC methods.

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Thank you, I’ll work on it.

I’m maybe a but unclear, but I assumed that you have Tryton installed on a server and that server is in a server room somewhere. So connecting your fingerprint scanner directly to the server needs a very long cable :laughing:. That’s where my suggestion to have a separate system comes from.

Either way, you have to make some program which sits between your scanner and Tryton to read the scanner and communicate with Tryton. So which scanner you use doesn’t matter, but to make it yourself more easy, try a USB one which is creating a serial interface on your OS. In your software you open that port and start listening for incoming data. Then you call Tryton with that data to be stored.

If you have any questions, just ask.

Your answer gave me an idea of ​​the direction to take and what kind of fingerprint I need. But I think the choice of the fingerprint reader is very important.

Yesterday I looked at this fingerprint reader. In my opinion, it is not compatible with what I would like to do. Because it has a USB port to export data to a storage medium like a USB stick. And, that’s all.

Well this is also an option as you can inject the journal of the device in Tryton as attendance entries.

There are many ways, it all depends on what are your goals and requirements. That’s why I pushed for you to describe them precisely like: if it needs to be synchronous or asynchronous, connected or not, single device or not, using employees laptop or not etc.
So there is no universal answer.

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Wow, I don’t see it that way. From your answer @ced, the fingerprint I saw yesterday, or any fingerprint, can do the trick.

But the ideal for me should be synchronous, connected, on a single device, without the employee’s laptop.

Thanks all.

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