Export script for chart of accounts?

Hello fellow friends,

when trying to improve/enhance various charts of accounts it would be nice to be able to create a new chart of accounts module out of an existing, but improved/enhanced one.

Is it possible to create a script for this purpose, and did somebody already do so?

Cheers, Wolf

Hi @herrdeh, to clarify, do you wish to understand the process for creating a Chart of Accounts template that can be used via the menu: [ Financial > Configuration > Templates > (wizard) Create Chart of Accounts ] to configure a new company?

Also, where is the source data for a template? Is it in a spreadsheet? Is it a manually created Chart of Accounts in Tryton?

I can’t answer this myself, but am interested in the answer! :slight_smile:


Thanks for asking.

Well - I’m talking about German skr04 - the “template”, which is a Tryton module, can be found here. This one is installed (with this routine: [ Financial > Configuration > Templates > (wizard) Create Chart of Accounts ]), used and modified in my productive setup, and we need to create a new module out of the now achieved setup.

Hope I’m more clear now…