FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/*****/Projects/tum2019/.venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/trytond-7.4.0-py3.11.egg/trytond/modules/party/tryton.cfg'
In the video, there was not any step, which said pip install trytond-party, or else it would have been under the modules directory in the venv site-packages. I think that video is outdated, and the right or the current way I’m not able to find it and do the deployment properly, as the title of the video states.
I do not understand what this mean?
You want to develop your own custom module? You want to activate an existing module? You want to install a module in a docker image?
I get it that changing the Dockerfile, I can proceed but why does the test does not work?
See I was just trying to follow the steps in the video, executed this
I think I’m not able to explain. I wanted to run the DB_NAME=":memory:" python test, before proceeding to follow next steps, and it is failing for me at that step. U can try replicating the steps in the video, and u should find the same error, or else I’m doing something wrong. I also know that it is not an important step, and I can deploy it nonetheless, but what then when I want to test my module also? And if the testing step has nothing to do with installing a custom module in a docker image, why was this step included in the video in the first place?
This error is typically show if there is an import error in your module. (This issue is known since long and based on Tryton not using standard mechanisms find resource files like tryton.cfg.)