ERROR:tryton.rpc:[Errno 111] Connection refused

tryton -v
INFO:tryton.rpc:common.server.version(None, None)
ERROR:tryton.rpc:[Errno 111] Connection refused


# Settings for the JSON-RPC network interface

# The IP/host and port number of the interface
# (Internal default: localhost:8000)
# Listen on all interfaces (IPv4)

listen =

so why cant the desktop client connect to the server?

jsonrpc does not exist since many years. It is web section that must be configured. By the way, the log on the server should tell you on which interface it is listening.

i dont have a web interface on the server(sao), i dont see how the tryton desktop client needs the webui

for anyone reading this that have this problem it needs to be

listen =

Desktop client (tryton) does not need the “web ui”.

trytond is served by a web server (Werkzeug by default) through WSGI despite the client you use (web (sao), desktop (tryton)) to connect to it.

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