(Jani-Matti Hätinen)
October 13, 2019, 8:21am
The debian.tryton.org repository domain DNS record seems to have vanished IIRC at some point last week. Any reason to be concerned?
(Cédric Krier)
October 13, 2019, 8:34am
The right links are there: Tryton - Get Tryton
I preferred to no more manage the DNS for non hosted service (in the past, the IP changed without being notified) but we advise since long time the proper URL.
(Jani-Matti Hätinen)
October 13, 2019, 10:42am
I’m still getting the same URLs at https://tryton-team.pages.debian.net/ , which is where the Debian link points to.
ddclient takes care of DNS updates automatically. No need to worry about dynamic IPs. (unless, of course you can’t access the repository to install it, or communicate the need for it to whoever is running the repository server)
(Mathias Behrle)
October 13, 2019, 6:27pm
Oh, thanks for letting us now finally.
(Mathias Behrle)
October 13, 2019, 6:29pm
I’m still getting the same URLs at https://tryton-team.pages.debian.net/ , which is where the Debian link points to.
ddclient takes care of DNS updates automatically. No need to worry about dynamic IPs. (unless, of course you can’t access the repository to install it, or communicate the need for it to whoever is running the repository server)
Of course you are right, but I will not invest further energy into providing this DNS short cut, since it is not welcome.
Thanks for bringing up the issue and letting us know!
(Mathias Behrle)
October 14, 2019, 9:45am
I’m still getting the same URLs at https://tryton-team.pages.debian.net/ , which is where the Debian link points to.
ddclient takes care of DNS updates automatically. No need to worry about dynamic IPs. (unless, of course you can’t access the repository to install it, or communicate the need for it to whoever is running the repository server)
Of course you are right, but I will not invest further energy into providing this DNS short cut, since it is not welcome.
Thanks for bringing up the issue and letting us know!
Dear Debian Tryton backports users,
we have moved the mirror to a new, reliable domain. The documentation has been updated to reflect the new options, please visit
and update your sources.list accordingly.
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