Criteria of lang inclusion?

Which is the criteria followed to decide the inclusion of a language in the default list?
Are they included due to any specific ISO?

I would like to include Euskera (eu), Gallego (gl). They are on ISO 639.
I don’t plan to translate Tryton to those, but to be allowed to be picked on the selector.

I’m wondering while I write this… when a report is not translated to a user lang it defaults to English, can these languages be defined to try Spanish first?

While this answer is not official, for me it is about doing the translation, and having users who use this language.

How many speakers do these languages have?

How should we include a language that is untranslated? Who should do the translation?

Why do you not create the languages locally on the deployments that need them?

If it turns out that there are many users, and the translation becomes complete, then I do not see why not to include them upstream.

I am sure you do know that on a database you can add a language by Administration / Localization / Languages, or by xml in a module.

In my case I asked Cedric to include Romanian, because I want to make Tryton available in Romania. So he added it, and I started translating. Is it a failure? Maybe, I think I am the only one using Tryton and my only emploee and me are using it in English xD
But I did 60% translation. and there are 20M people who speak Romanian, so maybe there is potential.

IIRC it is required to have at least a minimum of 25% of the application translated in order to include the translations as oficial sources.

In such case, you can manually create such languages on your database and you will have them.