Create analytic lines for past moves before analytic module install

Hi all,
I’ve installed the analytic accounting modules one month after starting the accouting. Is there a way to create analytics lines for past mouvements (before analytic accounting installation)?

i would like to have an analytic accounting covering the whole period.

Thanks for your help!

Normally analytic lines are always editable no matter the state of the move or the fiscalyear.

Yes they are, but analytics lines has only been created since I’ve installed the analytic accounting module. Creating these lines manually for accounting mouvement will be painfull and source of errors.

Maybe I’ve misunderstood how this should work, but I was searching a way to apply the same treatment used to create these lines on the sales/purchase level for sales and purchases created before installation.

Creating those lines is not much different than filling the analytic entries on the documents.

Ok. I’ve found the way, I have to look for movements in the accounting plan and give them each an analytic account. Sorry learning curve in progress here!

Normally you should find them in the “Analytic Lines to Complete” from the “Financial > Processing” menu.

For all moves since install yes, but as I’ve tried to explain, previous (to analytic module activation) moves were not listed in “analytic lines to complete”…

Indeed at activation the module set as ‘valid’ all the existing lines. So I guess you could update the state with a SQL query for the lines before your activation.