Can not access webclient

This is my first attempt installing Tryton.

I have used the commands listed on the page:

“python -m pip install trytond”

I have use python3 -m pip install trytond to be more specific.

Previously, I have set up the postgres database and all the necessary permissions.

The database and tryton server are running on machine, I am remotely accessing it from to configure the database and tryton server.

Here is trytond running on

9694 140697602111296 [2021-08-16 22:05:58,439] INFO werkzeug * Running on http://localhost:8000/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)

When I try to access the webclient is not working.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

Your help and advice will be appreciated.


My guess is that you are binding localhost, but as you said you are accessing from other host inside the same network.

Change the binding address on trytond.conf from localhost:8000 to

I think trytond.conf is present on /etc

Thank you Dario for the tip, here is my trytond.conf

# /etc/tryton/trytond.conf -  Configuration file for Tryton Server (trytond)
# This file contains the most common settings for trytond (Defaults
# are commented).
# For more information install the tryton-server-doc package and read
# /usr/share/doc/tryton-server-doc/html/index.html
# and accordingly
# /usr/share/doc/tryton-server-doc/html/topics/configuration.html

# Database related settings

# The URI to connect to the SQL database (following RFC-3986)
# uri = database://username:password@host:port/
# (Internal default: sqlite:// (i.e. a local SQLite database))
# PostgreSQL via Unix domain sockets
# (e.g. PostgreSQL database running on the same machine (localhost))
#uri = postgresql://tryton:tryton@/
# PostgreSQL via TCP/IP
# (e.g. connecting to a PostgreSQL database running on a remote machine or
# by means of md5 authentication. Needs PostgreSQL to be configured to accept
# those connections (pg_hba.conf).)
uri = postgresql://tryton:tryton@localhost:5432/

# The path to the directory where the Tryton Server stores files.
# The server must have write permissions to this directory.
# (Internal default: /var/lib/trytond)
path = /var/lib/tryton

# Shall available databases be listed in the client?
list = True

# The number of retries of the Tryton Server when there are errors
# in a request to the database
#retry = 5

# The primary language, that is used to store entries in translatable
# fields into the database.
language = en_US

# SSL settings
# Activation of SSL for all available protocols.
# Uncomment the following settings for key and certificate
# to enable SSL.

# The path to the private key
#privatekey = /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key

# The path to the certificate
#certificate = /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem

# Settings for the JSON-RPC network interface

# The IP/host and port number of the interface
# (Internal default: localhost:8000)
# Listen on all interfaces (IPv4)
#listen =

listen =

# Listen on all interfaces (IPv4 and IPv6)
listen = [::]:8000

# The hostname for this interface
#hostname =

# The root path to retrieve data for GET requests
#data = jsondata

# Settings for the XML-RPC network interface

# The IP/host and port number of the interface
#listen = localhost:8069

# Settings for the WebDAV network interface

# The IP/host and port number of the interface
#listen = localhost:8080

# Session settings

# The time (in seconds) until an inactive session expires
#timeout = 3600

# The server administration password used by the client for
# the execution of database management tasks. It is encrypted# using using the Unix crypt(3) routine. A>
# generated using the following command line (on one line):
# $ python -c 'import getpass,crypt,random,string; \
# print crypt.crypt(getpass.getpass(), \
# "".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 8)))'
# Example password with 'admin'
#super_pwd =

# Mail settings

# The URI to connect to the SMTP server.
# Available protocols are:
# - smtp: simple SMTP
# - smtp+tls: SMTP with STARTTLS
# - smtps: SMTP with SSL
#uri = smtp://localhost:25

# The From address used by the Tryton Server to send emails.
#from = tryton@localhost

# Report settings

# Unoconv parameters for connection to the unoconv service.
#unoconv = pipe,name=trytond;urp;StarOffice.ComponentContext

# Module settings
# Some modules are reading configuration parameters from this
# configuration file. These settings only apply when those modules
# are installed.
# The URI to connect to the LDAP server.
#uri = ldap://host:port/dn?attributes?scope?filter?extensions
# A basic default URL could look like
#uri = ldap://localhost:389/

# Path for the web-frontend
root = /usr/lib/node_modules/tryton-sao
listen =

For me the configuration file is not passed as argument to start trytond because in the logging it shows that it is listening only on localhost.
You must pass the configuration path with the option --config <path>

Make sense, thank you for the advice.
