Building doc yield warnings

Building the docs yields:

$ make html|grep WARNING
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:55: WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document 'topics/index'
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:55: WARNING: toctree contains reference to nonexisting document 'ref/index'
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/ref/models.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/topics/modules/index.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/topics/reports/index.rst: WARNING: document isn't included in any toctree
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:10: WARNING: undefined label: topics-install
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:10: WARNING: undefined label: topics-configuration
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:10: WARNING: undefined label: topics-setup-database
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:10: WARNING: undefined label: topics-start-server
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:22: WARNING: undefined label: topics-models
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:22: WARNING: undefined label: ref-models-fields-types
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:22: WARNING: undefined label: topics-domain
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:22: WARNING: undefined label: topics-access_rights
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:22: WARNING: undefined label: topics-triggers
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:29: WARNING: undefined label: topics-wizard
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:35: WARNING: undefined label: topics-views
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:35: WARNING: undefined label: topics-extension
/path/to/tryton/docs/source/index.rst:42: WARNING: undefined label: topics-actions

Such post should be reported to the bugtracker.
But I’m pretty sure they have been all solved by trytond: 30f980bb3226.

Hi Cedric,

ok, next time I’ll post to the bugtracker. I wasn’t sure whether this was really worth it.

I arrived at this result by trying to build the docs as pointed to by @pokoli. Now I am trying to figure out how to incorporate your changes - I’m only familiar with git so far.

Build document is available at
It is probably even better to use as it provide intersphinx links between modules.

PEBKAC again, please ignore.