Bug or miss-usage or miss-interpretation?

what happens on my configuration.
1 create a payement term and name it 45J+FM
do stuffs… (nothing to do with payment or invoice)
2 rename that payment to 30J
do stuffs… (nothing to do with payment or invoice)

create an invoice, choose payment conditions 30J (What You See) validate invoice and see the payments conditions, it is written 45J+FM

I have the same problème with duplicate (sometimes the old name_remains_ in the databases) even if you restart tryton server.

I also found this sometimes, I think it’s related with cache in translations. But still not able to find a reproducible scenario.

It is typical when having at least 2 languages activated and updating the content using the non-main language. This modify only the translation without invaliding any other translations until the content for the main language is modified.

it does the trick, thousands of thanks.

is it a non-important things or would-it be possible/feasible to track what could be done to help improve the thing ?

when i have time, maybe it could be a door to dive into mainline-code and give back some time to the community for the software and the time responding and helping me. It does not seems to be very deep into code…

disclaimer : i am not a good python dev, but i think i could be some good help

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