Argentina report

Hi everyone, first a micro introduction because its my first post.
After quite some time trying to implement odoo and not being ok with their ways of doing things i’ve decided to look for its roots and what happened with openerp, thing that I’ve tried but back then I was just starting with linux and it was too much, that lead me here.

Since a couple of months, after taking some time trying, breaking and having a decent minimal idea how tryton works, installs, updates, and so, i have an installation running with Argentina’s localization (using 5.6.2) with electronic invoicing (that weird thing that afip make us do) and I have to say, Tryton is a fantastic product, congrats to all of you who are part of this.

As most (ar) modules have a little lag about versions, and I’m using 5.6, there are a couple of things that were not compatible, among them account_report_ar (wich requires 5.0)
I was wondering if there is any workaround about this, or if maybe I’ve missed something

Thanks for your time!
Greetings from Argentina

Hi Gabriel,

Welcome to our forum and thank you for your nice words about Tryton. We try to make it as better as possible.

What you explain about version lagging is what normally happens when the packages are not maintained by the Tryton community but just some individual that updates when it has some time. Of course there are some exceptions but this happens most of the time.

Having said that, there are some efforts to include the Argentina localization as part of the Tryton official packages. First of all we need to have the Argentina chart of accounts there and latter to have all the electronic invoicing. There is already a proposal to include the argentina chart of accounts on our bug tracker. The main problem is that we do not fully understand why all the current modules are required and we prefer to have a clear picture of all the requirements before doing anything. Once there we will be able to determine if what you think is something specific for Argentina can be solved on a generic way. It will be great if you can give some lights there an even contribute to the inclusion of the argentina chart of accounts.

Personally, I may understand how you feel now. For some years we had the same problem with the Spanish chart of accounts but after some hard work we where able to include the module as part of the Tryton official packages. From there we have been adding new functionalities and I must admit that everything has improved a lot. We have the localization updated for each version and everything is getting better on every release because several persons are collaborating.

If you wanna work on improving this situation I will be happy in giving you a hand and even doing some mentor work if you think this is really required.

I’m not sure if I’m really answering your question, if not feel free to ask any doubts you may have.

Buenas Gabriel, cómo estás?
Me tomo el atrevimiento de hablar en español para que nos entendamos mejor ya que ambos somos de Argentina. Nosotros estamos hace casi un año trabajando con Tryton (5.0) y también estamos enamorados de él. Es verdad que hay ciertos módulos atrasados e incluso ahora con la obligatoriedad de agregar el código QR en las facturas no sé como quedó el repositorio de account_invoice_ar. Te cuento que yo no estoy metido en la programación directo ya que eso lo hace mi compañero pero luego de mucho trabajo logramos adaptar lo que había a lo que necesitábamos y estamos 100% operativos. Tal cómo explica @pokoli habría que empezar por ir trasladando ciertas cosas al core de Tryton para que ya queden estandarizadas y se mantengan a través de las versiones. Esto simplificaría mucho los startups pero no es tan fácil de resolver, de hecho nosotros tuvimos que cambiar mucho los módulos de la localización para poder trabajar. No puedo mucho más que ofrecerme para lo que necesites por este medio o Inbox.